Dailies #18

As I was getting ready for the day, I felt my mind wandering and decided to focus on the most recent scenario in which I was emotionally affected by the attitude of an extended family member toward me.

I didn’t tell anyone about this or how I felt, I suppose everything was bottled up inside. I knew I wasn’t meant to be treated like that, but this time was different. When my inner self began whining and rationalizing the situation, I could plainly hear the message: „Look up, child; God is with you.”

It seemed like the entire weight of this situation was lifted off my shoulders, and I could breathe again. I was reminded that we are not expected to like everyone in this life and that certain people come with a set of lessons.

The persons connected are not aware, yet thanks to them I have grown closer to God and started my healing journey. The wounds they produced hurt a lot, and there were moments when I grieved, yearning for things to change and for their hearts to be in the right place.

It turns out that was unnecessary. Even without their support, I changed for the better, and every misstep on their end was a terrible but necessary kick in the rear that I needed. Now they say they like and accept me into their circle, but I feel it’s not genuine.

And that’s okay because I don’t have to conform to their angular perspective of life or people; I just need to be myself. And if I am nice and fun, and choose to answer with gifts rather than insults, I have made the right choice and am on my way to fulfilling my life purpose, with God along the way supporting me.

13 gânduri despre “Dailies #18

  1. A very inspiring post. We want to believe all people are good, but there are some who are not and we can only deal with them the best we can. I have found people who are negative usually have issues of their own and want to bring others down with them.

  2. Le jour se lève

    Je suis devant mon café avec mon PC 

    Des mots de poésie me viennent à l’esprit

    Je t’écris ce poème pour te dire bonjour en toute amitié

    Pour te souhaiter une bonne journée

    Que chaque seconde de ce jour soit un tendre vers de poésie

    Chacun sera servi 

    Que ces mots amicaux t’accompagnent du matin au soir

    Certains vont à l’école, d’autres au boulot, certains au repos, à chacun sa vie

    Que ces petits mots de tendresse te donnent de l’envie

    Et pour ce dimanche à venir bonne fête aux mamans  

  3. A magnificent and touching post, Katherine.

    It is very painful to not be accepted by those we dearly need to have in our corner. I know all too well what it’s like to doubt the genuineness of other people’s feelings. Unfortunately, those obstacles are always there, and sometimes the only way to deal with them is to show them that God has made you strong enough to withstand everything, exactly as you have learned.

    Another comfort I have found along the way is that not everyone is like that. There are genuine people out there who completely understand the meaning of your words and support you. That is another blessing that God gives to his children that I overlooked far too many times. The blessing of genuine friendship.

    It’s very good to see you are on your way to being fully healed and made stronger than ever. I’m also glad to see you back in front of the keyboard spreading a good message that we all need to hear, and a beautiful song from one of my favorite artists. 🎵

    Many blessings my sweet friend! 🌱

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