
Now that spring has arrived, I’ve been going outside more, and I’ve observed that there are more storks now that they’ve returned after their long winter voyage. It’s wonderful to see them and appreciate their natural beauty.

In the early spring, my mother would constantly inquire whether I had seen any storks and if they were together or alone. I normally ignore the remark and begin laughing, giving no heed to the belief itself.

I grew up seeing stork nests all throughout my neighborhood; they would build them in the most unexpected places, such as trees, electrical poles, abandoned house roofs, and even high fences. I know neighbors who tried to chase them away, and I recall them nearly setting their houses on fire.

(Image Source – Unsplash, Harry Dona)

What does the Bible say about Storks?

Forbidden as food, LEVITICUS 11:19:

And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.

Nest Of, in Fir Trees, PSALM 104:17:

Where the birds make their nests: as for the stork, the fir trees are her house.

Migratory, JEREMIAH 8:7:

Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the LORD.

Figurative, ZECHARIAH 5:9:

Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.

(Image Source)

Storks throughout history. Mythology.

Every year, storks come back and build a new nest on the same site as the previous year. As storks can live up to seventy years, they return to the same site many times. The migratory stork has two homes, but in each, she is filled with longing for the other. So she wanders eternally back & forth.

It is believed that storks bring good luck to whoever owns the property the nest is built on. This belief goes back to Roman Times. The stork was sacred to the goddess Venus, and when storks built a nest on the roof of your home, you received a blessing of love from Venus.

Furthermore, the Romans saw storks as especially kind to the old, particularly elderly parents. A „stork law” was a law that required adult children to be responsible for the care of their old parents.

In Egyptian mythology, the stork was associated with Ba, or personality, the distinct individual character of each human being. The Ba, or soul, was symbolized as a bird with a human head, commonly a stork. The Egyptians thought that the spirit left the body during sleep but returned every night.

The Hebrew name for stork was similar to „kind mother,” and storks’ care for their young made the stork a symbol of infant protection. They were considered to be extremely gentle with their young and to return to the same nest in pairs year after year.

In related Greek mythology, the stork was believed to steal the baby and carry it away. In Norse mythology, the stork was considered monogamous and a symbol of family protection.

The stork is a sacred bird in Sweden, from the legend that it flew around the cross crying „Stryke! Stryke!” (strengthen, strengthen!) when Jesus was crucified. The veneration of the stork is also based on the fact that it is the sworn enemy of snakes and that it is an excellent scavenger.

Aristotle, Pliny, Aelian, and others praised the stork’s devotion to its parents. According to the Physiologue, the bird nourished its parents with great affection in their old age. Renaissance writers declared the stork to be avis piissima, a bird most pious, a bird of God.

Common stork beliefs shared by communities and individuals

People have associated storks with the arrival of babies thanks to the folk tale written by Hans Christian Andersen.

When a stork flies over a home it is a sign of imminent birth. A pair of lovers seeing a stork means that they will have a baby before long. In German, the name for stork is literally soul bringer.

If you see two storks in the sky, you will be with your loved one all year round. But if you see only one stork, you will be left alone for the rest of the year.

If you see yourself strolling alongside a stork, it suggests you have a fantastic reliable friend on whom you can rely.

It was widely noted that a stork nest would be consumed with the nest in a fire rather than abandoned. If a stork deserted its nest, death would soon follow someone close by. A stork will not stay where domestic discord reigns, and its departure foretells calamity.


Storks are a wonderful sign of new beginnings and, sometimes, of a much-anticipated arrival. They symbolize joy and a bright future. Although the symbolism of the stork varies, it testifies to the character of these majestic birds that they are so frequently associated with big things to come.

(Image Source – Pexels, Pixabay)

Apa minerala Aquatique – tratament natural pentru un organism sanatos

Dupa cum v-am povestit in articolele precedente, cu cativa ani in urma am suferit de gastrita acuta. Aceasta afectiune a fost cauzata de obiceiuri alimentare nesanatoase, precum meniuri dezorganizate, consum ridicat de carbohidrati, chipsuri si bauturi bogate in acid si chimicale.

Pentru a trata gastrita dureroasa pe care mi-am provocat-o inconstient singura, pe langa un tratament elaborat a trebuit sa respect si o dieta stricta ce consta in: legume/fructe fierte, iaurt, pilafuri si multa apa.

In conditiile in care apa de la robinet/fantana nu era cea mai buna alegere datorita continutului ridicat de substante minerale si a reziduurilor, am optat pentru Apa Minerala Aquatique.


De ce am ales Apa Minerala Aquatique?

Apa minerala Aquatique isi are izvorul in inima muntilor Carpati, la o altitudine de 1.100 m, in zona protejata a Parcului Natural Bucegi, rezervatia naturala Abruptul Prahovean.

Pe langa faptul ca aceasta apa provine dintr-o sursa naturala, aceasta prezinta o compozitie echilibrata si o mineralizare redusa de numai 104 mg/l, ceea ce o face ideala pentru consumul in tratamentul gastritei si nu numai.

De asemenea, dieta specifica pentru vindecarea gastritei acute consta in consumul de alimente FARA SARE! Continutul redus de sodiu din Apa Minerala Aquatique a contribuit in mod pozitiv la vindecarea acestei afectiuni si mi-a ajutat organismul sa reinfloreasca.

In fiecare zi in care consumam Apa Minerala Aquatique ma simteam mai plina de viata si mai fericita. Datorita consumului regulat de apa minerala naturala oligominerala, eram hidratata si organismul meu devenea mai pur pe zi ce trece.

In urma unui tratament tinut cu strictete, cu diete corespunzatoare si consum regulat de Apa Minerala Naturala Aquatique, organismul meu s-a vindecat complet si a uitat de gastrita acuta.

Apa Minerala Aquatique – tratament natural pentru un organism sanatos

Desi au trecut ani de zile de la acel episod neplacut din viata mea, nu am renuntat la Apa Minerala Naturala Aquatique.

Am descoperit ca pentru a ma mentine in forma si a nu suferi de situatii neplacute precum: constipatie, deshidratare si luare in greutate trebuie sa nu renunt la consumul de Apa Minerala Naturala.

Apa este considerata sursa de viata datorita rolului important in dizolvarea si transportul nutrientilor in intregul organism: vitamine, minerale, hidrati de carbon si oxigen.

Secretul pentru un organism sanatos si o viata fericita, lipsita de griji este Apa. Astazi, intr-o zi de duminica dupa masa impart Apa Minerala Aquatique cu membrii familiei, chiar si cu bebelusii zglobii si curiosi.

Ce reprezinta pentru voi Apa Minerala Aquatique?


Toamna gri, nu credeam c-o sa mai vii …

In ultima vreme timpul s-a mai racit. Caldurile toropitoare si soarele arid au lasat loc aerului mai rece, reamintindu-ne de toamna cea gri. Usor, usor, fila cu fila, parca si calendarul ne face sa realizam ca s-au sfarsit lunile de vara, de huzur si relaxare.

Diminetile sunt mai aspre si mai racoroase insotite de vanturi suieratoare. Amiezile sunt incetosate de ploi lungi si dese iar serile sunt mai reci decat pana acum. Soarele ce odinioara stralucea falnic pe cerul albastru senin, acum sta ascuns dupa nori mari si involburati. Culorile verii se duc usor si ele, lasand in urma lor ramasite galbene, ruginii specifice sezonului tomnatic. Frunzele parasesc copacii rand pe rand, aliniindu-se haotic pe pamant formand un covor multicolor vestejindu-se treptat.

La tara, locuitorii harnici isi strang recolta anului ce tocmai se sfarseste, pregatindu-se cu drag si spor, precum furnicile, de anotimpurile reci ce vor sosi. Strangand merindele rezultate in urma trudei si nu in ultimul rand aprovizionandu-se cu combustibil – lemn, oamenii muncesc pentru o toamna dar si o iarna linistita si fara griji.

Animalele si micutele vietati, simt si ele prezenta frigului ce se apropie cu pasi repezi. Astfel fiecare vietate – de la cele mai mici la cele mai mari,  isi consolideaza casuta si isi aduna ultimele resurse pentru a putea supravietui viforului ce va sa vina. Pasarile isi parasesc cuiburile fugind de vremuri rele in zone mai calde, unde toamna si iarna nu poposesc.


Picaturi mari de ploaie lovesc cu sete pamantul sufocat de caldura verii ce dispare in neant. In cateva secunde toata intinderea pamanteasca este scaldata in apa rece de ploaie, suflata de vantul puternic si rece specific toamnei. Oamenii se ascund sub incaperi reci, trepte de magazine. In surdina se aud spitele unei umbrele vechi deschizandu-se. In privirea persoanelor infrigurate se zareste mahnirea – s-a stins anotimpul cald! …

Dar va mai fi vara la anul … .
