The Disappointing System

Unfortunately, the year began with some health concerns. While I recovered and the treatment was effective, my close relatives were ill and had to seek aid from the Romanian medical system.

The first thing that springs to mind is the hospital and emergency room, which should prioritize patients and assist them throughout their recovery.

I wish this were true, I wish I could tell you that the loving and caring nurses and physicians depicted in movies are real. When you arrive at the emergency department, at least 15 people are waiting for their turn.

First, you must go to their desk and explain your situation and what has been bothering you. They will then label you based on the severity of the issue and schedule you for tests. 

This whole system sounds good, but the nurses and personnel who care for the sick at the entrance, are frequently in no mood to work and will talk to you as if you were the last person standing.

The last time I had to go, in the middle of the night, I had to explain my situation to a nurse who rolled her eyes in disgust, as if I was faking pain to get in. I almost shouted at her since I was exhausted and had not slept for days due to stomach aches.

That isn’t inherently a problem, but once they point out the problem and you are registered in their system, you must wait at least 3-4 hours to get in. Despite the magnificent TV in the waiting area displaying how people were admitted barely minutes after being registered.

Fighting through the storm

My mother had to go to the emergency room today; she had been dealing with health concerns for a long time and couldn’t handle it any longer. She obtained the necessary documents from the family physician and, like everyone else, waited three hours to get in.

They took her in, ran some tests, and ultimately determined that the ill, skinny woman standing there could wait two more days. They gave her even more medication; she couldn’t keep up with her present treatment regimen, yet she nevertheless received a fresh batch.

Then, ironically she has to arrange an appointment for more tests. Guess where. At the same hospital. And she had to ask for the information because they weren’t just given to anyone.

Another close relative of ours had to rush to the emergency hospital due to an ear problem. The poor kid was in pain, and he went in the evening. After hours of waiting, he was told that he only had ear wax plugs and needed to have them removed and that he should go somewhere else.


I no longer understand how this system works. Why would you have to go through another arduous treatment when you already have one, and why do you have to wait two more days to be checked up?

Given that the Romanian medical system deducts approximately 700 lei ($150) from our paychecks each month, not including C.A.S 1420 lei ($320), and taxes 450 lei ($100), and that the average salary we receive is approximately 3000 lei ($600), it begs the question of where that money goes and why, if you’re paying this much, you’re being treated this way.

Almost every year, politicians pledge to boost salaries so that we may live comfortably, but after all of these increases, costs have skyrocketed everywhere, making it hard to deal with these situations, particularly unforeseen ones such as health concerns.

When you do go because you have no other choice, you are treated as if you are embarking on an expensive cruise without a ticket. Nobody wants to deal with you; you’re banned from the VIP area, and unless you know someone who works in the hospital, you’re at the mercy of the system. And God forbid you protest or speak out about the situation. You do not want to bite the hand that treats you.

Autor: Katherine Mary

Katherine's Blog, in Katherine's World. Discovering the world one post at a time.

11 gânduri despre „The Disappointing System”

  1. sadly, it’s the same in many places it seems, Katherine.
    dedication doesn’t seem to exist in some professions anymore (compassion…let’s not even go there).
    And then we hold on to perhaps humanity, and that too is sadly lacking in most cases.
    I’m sorry you had to go through such an experience (been there…).
    Best wishes your way 🤍🙏

  2. So sad to see that these kinda stuff happen all over the world! Here too it’s the same local citizens are treated like trash, only the ones with power and money that get favour. I think many systems are corrupt, humanity is dying and no one cares, thanks for voicing it out, and stay strong.

  3. So sad to hear and sad to know it’s all over the world
    Here, and after the collapse, the situation is awful and you wish you don’t get sick ever
    Most systems failed at least in keeping some empathy and respect. Wish you speedy recovery and good health always 🙏🏻

  4. Oh my God. I am so sorry Katherine that you were hospitalised and that the year started with health concerns for you, that is terrible to read about😭🙏

    Also, I pray that you never get hurt and that you become healthy and happy going forward. God bless👏

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